Minggu, 08 April 2012

Cendet ( Pentet )

Cendet Bird / Bird Pentet is one of the predatory bird that has a variation of the sound field very well. take care of this bird is as easy as caring for other types of chirping birds. Cendet intelligent bird is a bird of the family Turdidae.Cendet includes favorite birds for the hobbyist who likes the birds that can imitate a variety of other bird sounds. First in the early 1990s, the birds that have not cendet is much in demand. Even the price is not more than the price of finch. However, in its development, people know that besides having a beautiful physical form, it turns out this bird has a voice that sounds interesting and can memaster other birds. Therefore, in large bondonglah people trying to get this bird and find the best quality.Type the ngerol Cendet voice, the voice tends to dominate other birds babble if we bushels in the house together. Compared to other birds, which could have a song Cendet varied (depending on the pattern pemasterannya), has a melodious voice color. Although it can be very hard, but not deafening. Different from the color of the sound of birds chirping other.Cendet also has other names, such as bentet, pentet, and toet (West Java), and this bird is a bird of prey petengger and aggressive of the Family Laniidae. Laniidae family includes 74 species divided into 4 subfamily. Cendet commonly included in the subfamily and genus Lanius Laniinae.Cendet own type of variety spread across several regions of the world. One of them, is a large gray cendet (L excubitor). This species has the largest body size with a length up to 25 cm. Cendet this breed in Europe, Asia, and North America.Cendet along with black and white (L ludovicianus), a bird - the bird is a common species that live in the new world (America). Other types, the small gray cendet (L.minor) which have habitats in Southern Europe, Central Asia, and eastern Africa. in addition,Cendet red head (L senators) who lives in southern England, Europe, Asia, and Africa. There is also a type of bird that has a shape similar bentet located in India and Southeast Asia, namely cendet tan (/ .. christatus) are widely contested in Indonesia and a black neck cendet (L colarris).These birds have a natural habitat in the forest, especially in tall trees. His favorite food is seeds, insects, and fruit. This bird nests are usually made of twigs, grass, moss, flowers, wool, and feathers tied with cobwebs and linked to the trees or bushes at an altitude of 4-6 meters from the ground. This bird is able to produce as many eggs 3-6 eggs per egg-laying period. These eggs will hatch after incubation for two weeks.At the time of incubation, most of the time the mother spent incubating eggs. To get the food, the male will feed her. At the age of 2-3 weeks after hatching, chicks usually cendet have begun to learn to fly and leave the nest.

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