Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

magpie(Copsychus malabaricus)

Murai stone known by the Latin name (Copsychus malabaricus), and wikipedia says, humming into the stone:
Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AvesOrder: PasseriformesFamily: MuscicapidaeGenus: CopsychusSpecies: C. malabaricusBinomial nameCopsychus malabaricus
In Indonesia, a humming bird has a favorite stone of the bird race fans. With the price of hundreds of millions of dollars, a humming bird rock became one of the most favorite bird in the world perburungan.
Murai captivity STONEPairing process Murai Stone (The Introduction)To raise the actual stone magpie can not say it has proven difficult because many are successful menangkarkannya. If anyone says it is difficult, indeed long-tailed bird pairing process is relatively more difficult than in other birds such as canaries and the like.
If one pairing, very often the case in the female pecking by males in a unique way. I say unique because of the male when the female is not beat up is take a long time like other binanang fight. But quite a few seconds after the female was approached (not as in pecking or another) by the pajantan, how long hose then the female will die. This is one of the uniqueness of the stone magpie.
Well, to avoid cases like the above, there are practical steps that can be applied. First, hold the first of the candidates 'bride' of the Stone Murai. To keep things that are not in want, the longer the better approach. It aims to get to know each other a rock thrush. Like us humans. Because in some cases natural stone breeder magpie, there is an instant, although not recommended, that directly enter into the breeding cage. It makes a very high degree of risk of failure. However, there are also successful.
This approach to process roughly takes about 2 (two) weeks to a month. The easiest benchmark in the process of this stone is a magpie approach if it is bersahut-replication, the candidates 'bride' can be put at a distance closer

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