Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Spare eyeglasses birds

Pleci bird is the same in other words cici bird glasses, many hobbyists are among the birds chirping of mania is called cici bird glasses.

In nature these birds live in groups with sekawanannya, and this little bird (bird Pleci) monomorpic including birds, meaning that pairs of male and female birds have the same physical appearance.


A wide variety of colors of these birds, some say cici yellow goggles, gray glasses cici, there is also a pleci bird call or pleci china.

Spare eyeglasses birds (Zosteropidae) includes a number of warbler (Passeriformes) tend to be small in the tropics of the Old World (including Australasia). Genus Zosterops pencirinya is. The birds of this tribe are characterized by a circle of white around the eyes (from here the English name derived white-eye) or gray.

This bird has a pretty good voice booms a voice that is not too hard but entertaining enough for the owner, and the bird is quite active and energetic, especially for those of you who want to keep birds or pleci cici these glasses will not regret it because chatter is quite enjoyable.

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